National Disability Insurance Scheme.


NDIS Support Coordination - JEM Wellness has 2 Social Workers who can provide Support Coordination through your NDIS plan. Support Coordination involves providing assistance to link a person with a disability to required services and supports, organise your NDIS supports and help to get the most out of your funding.  For JEM Wellness to be able to assist you, you must have an NDIS plan which includes Support Coordination funding which is ‘Plan Managed’ or ‘Self Managed’.

NDIS Social Work Therapy – JEM Wellness has 2 Social Workers available to provide Social Work Therapy through your NDIS plan. This may include assistance with social skills development and emotional regulation, or may also include assistance with behavioural challenges. For JEM Wellness to be able to assist you, you must have  an NDIS plan which includes Improved Daily Living funding which is ‘Plan Managed’ or ‘Self Managed’.

NDIS Support Worker – JEM Wellness has 2 support workers available to provide supports through your NDIS plan.  These supports may include assistance with everyday life skills, social and community participation, or it may include helping you build confidence and skills at home or within the community. For JEM Wellness to be able to assist you, you must have  an NDIS plan which includes Core Support funding which is ‘Plan Managed’ or ‘Self Managed’. 

If you have an NDIS plan and are unsure about what supports we may be able to assist with, please contact Jo and she will let you know whether she can assist, or will help link you in with someone else who can.